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On the behalf of the International Scientific Committee, we have the great pleasure to announce the 5th International Conference on Conditioning Medicine: Brain and Heart Adaptation that will be held on 30 September-02 October 2024 at the Centro Congressi Federico II of Naples, Italy.
The Meeting will be basic and translational research oriented and will host scientists from overall the world performing their research activities on basic and translational research on mechanisms involved in brain and heart adaptation to hypoxia and other stressful pathophysiological events.
The program will comprise both state-of-the art lectures and free oral and/or poster communications. Time for short presentations of important new late-breaking science to add to the exciting scientific sessions already scheduled is also reserved. The international scientific Committee will place particular emphasis on poster presentations and their discussion. Consequently, no other session will take place while poster is being presented. You are warmly encouraged to submit original communications that will be examined and assigned to the program by the International Scientific Committee. The participation of young investigator is encouraged; therefore, registration fee is waived for under 35 PhD or Post-Doc attending the meeting with a senior researcher.
We look forward to welcome you in Naples, Italy and to share with you our passion for both quality scientific research and efficient networking advances.